Maran Rosh Hayeshiva HaRav Shteinman on 2 Elul, 5766 when Areivim was founded
The Areivim Project includes tens of thousands of member families who are mutual guarantors, one for the other. In any case of death of a parent, Areivim provides a fund of NIS 200,000 for each unmarried orphan. Each family that is a member of Areivim pays six shekel on a one time basis for each [new] orphan which provides the funds. Thus, in a quiet and modest fashion, a fund of NIS 200,000 is established for each unmarried orphan, according to the decision of the Areivim rabbinical trustees, as is detailed in the Areivim regulations. The amounts are reviewed by a rabbinical board from time to time.
The maximum amount collected each month per member family is NIS 72. Providentially, there are many months when no collection is made as there are no deaths among the family member heads of Areivim.
Recently, the rabbonim of Kupat Ha'ir who are involved in establishing funds for the families of deceased, have come across some very difficult cases where young avreichim, who were not members of Areivim, or their immediate relatives, have passed away. In these cases, establishing funds for the orphans has been very difficult and hardly sufficient. On the other hand, those avreichim who were members and passed away, enabled substantial funds for their survivors to be put together very quickly amounting to hundreds of thousands of shekalim.
In the Kupat Ha'ir Fund and similar ones in Eretz Yisroel, the founders of Areivim, headed by gedolei haTorah, stressed the importance of joining the Areivim fund, so that in the sad case of a death, much pain and trouble is avoided by establishing an account for the survivors. When nonmembers are faced with tragedy, the goal is often not achieved. Members of the Areivim plan, however, have such funds guaranteed through a simple, immediate and automatic procedure, reaching the desired goal according to the clauses of the Areivim contract.
One can also join this project without receiving membership rights but simply for the sake of tzedaka and being a partner in easing the plight of widows and orphans. One can also join by paying for families of children or parents and have them become members of Areivim.
Joining up with Areivim is very simple; all that is required is signing one single form. For more details or for simply joining, one should turn to the Areivim telephone: 03-6716911 or through email, org.Is@kupat, or at the various Kupat Ha'ir stations throughout cities in Eretz Yisroel.
The Areivim Project, established by Kupat Ha'ir, is calling upon the public to utilize this special opportunity to join a plan established through the directive of our Torah leadership and managed by the various tzedokoh funds throughout the country, and take advantage of this chance.