With regard to the condition of the Einei HoEidah Rabbeinu Maran HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman shlita is very grave, we wish to arouse Heavenly mercy to preserve the Chachmei Yisroel and to avail ourselves of the advice of the Ramchal based on the Zohar HaKodosh in parshas VaYeitze, and as Rabbeinu shlita himself advised a few years ago. We should gather kehillos in the kollelim and the yeshivos to learn continuously, without any interruption whatsoever, for three days in a row. This is a wonderful segulah to nullify serious gezeiros, Rachmono litzlan.
May Hashem Yisborach have mercy on us to heal him with a complete recovery because he is vital to us as Chazal said in Eruvin (29:). May we see the comfort of Zion and Yerushalayim, soon in our days.
(signed) Chaim Kanievsky
(signed) Y. Gershon Eidelstein

The original Hebrew version of the letter