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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. HaRav Nosson Zochovsky has accompanied Degel HaTorah as a member of the Vaadas HaRabbonim from its very inception and up to this very day.
Kosher Lemehadrin Pesach Diet Soda
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
In honor of his yahrtzeit 12th Adar 5692/1932
Rabbi Yehoshua was born on the 10th of Sivan 5623/1863.
After the passing of his father, the tzaddik Reb Zvi Elimelech of Bluzhov, Rabbi Yehoshua was crowned his successor.
From Our Archives
A Powerful Song
By Sara Gutfreund
The Lost Treasure
Twenty years ago, Shoshana and Karen sat on the fluffy pink carpet in Shoshana's bedroom. It was a balmy, spring day, and the scent of freshly cut grass climbed through the curtained windows. They had spread out a picnic blanket on the floor, and set up a tea party for a circle of dolls and teddy bears. Shoshana had just had her seventh birthday party, and they were chatting about all the presents she had received.
What if they Call us a Cult?
By Mordecai Plaut
Despite the fact that we are by no means brainwashed and, on the contrary, even a cursory acquaintance with Talmud is enough to convince anyone that critical thinking is central to our lives in theory, and a quick visit to the mikvehs and yeshiva dining rooms will make it abundantly clear that it is also applied in practice, some spokesmen for Reform and Conservative whose concern is more for scoring rhetorical points than accuracy persist in calling the chareidi community a cult.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants