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He Loses Two Worlds: This One and the World to Come
Rebbi wept: "One can gain his [portion in the] World to Come in one hour." Why is this reason to weep? Because if one can so quickly earn his Olam Haba, in one moment, so can one forfeit it in one moment. And this is surely reason to moan. We are not only talking about losing one's future world but of losing both worlds. And not only his own personal portion but also that of his whole family; thus he is losing many worlds at one time.
The Immigration Documents of the Chazon Ish on Sale
King of Spain to the Jews: "The Spanish Expulsion was a historic blunder"
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
In honor of his yahrtzeit 12th Kislev 5334/1574
"Any bird that flew above his head while he was learning became singed by the kedushoh of his Torah, just as the gemora tells us of the tanna Yonoson Ben Uziel."
From Our Archives
Why We Censor
by Mordecai Plaut
". . . Life and death I have put before you, and blessing and curse. And you should choose life so that you and your descendants will live" (Devorim 30:19).
Is it wrong to add: "Don't choose death"?
Is it an unwarranted, or intolerable, restriction of someone's freedom if rabbonim say to him: "This reading material is deadly for your soul. Keep away."?
Chanukah, the Miracle of Mesiras Nefesh
Compiled from the sichos of Morenu veRabbeinu HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, shlita
According to the Maharam MiRottenburg (Tur; Orach Chaim, Simon 670), there is no obligation of mishteh vesimchah - of having a festive meal on Chanukah. The Bach, in order to explain the opinion of the Maharam, writes that the primary reason for the harsh decree against Klal Yisroel was because of hisrashlus be'avodoh, a laxity in our commitment to serve Hashem. Chazal therefore require us to celebrate Chanukah through hallel and hodo'oh - praise and gratitude.
Reflections on Chanukah: The Light of the Torah During the Days of Chanukah
by HaRav Boruch Dov Povarsky
The gemora in Shabbos 21b asks: What is Chanukah?
When the Greeks entered the Beis Hamikdosh, they defiled almost all the oil. All that could be found was one cruse of oil, but a miracle happened and they were able to light the Menorah from it for eight days.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants