Deiah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

28 Kislev 5776 - December 10, 2015 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

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At The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

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Chareidi Educational War of Independence

Israeli chareidi schools have struggled in recent years to resist the efforts of the Israeli government to gain control over their educational programming. There was a particularly serious effort made under the previous education minister, Shai Peron of the Yesh Atid party. This article provides background about that effort and the response of the chareidi institutions.

Chanukah Teaches that we Live in a World of Benevolence

by Mordecai Plaut, 5776

HaRav Abba Berman zt"l, rosh yeshiva of Iyun HaTalmud, used to ask about the Chanukah miracle of the oil burning for eight days: What is so impressive about that miracle? The mishna (Pirkei Ovos, 5:5) says: Ten miracles were performed for our ancestors in the Beis HaMikdash... the rains never extinguished the fire of the Altar, the wind never affected the column of smoke...

Chanukah Shows the Persistence of the Jewish People as Other Empires Collapsed

"The days of Chanukah symbolize the unyielding, determined victory of the Jewish people. We survived while all ancient empires collapsed. Our strong spirit kept us alive throughout thousands of years and continues to fortify us." These were the words of Rabbi Uri Maklev, of the Degel HaTorah faction of UTJ in the Knesset plenum during a session dealing with several no-confidence bills presented by the Opposition but which were shunted aside by the Coalition.

Rain and Kinneret Watch

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.

Hatzaddik Chacham Sasson Mordechai, zt"l

In honor of his Yahrtzeit 6th Teves

Rabbeinu was born in the year 5507 in Baghdad, where his illustrious forbears had been the presidents of the Jewish community, one of the most distinguished families in all of Iraq.

From Our Archives

Opinion and Comment

Chanukah, the Miracle of Mesiras Nefesh

Compiled from the sichos of Morenu veRabbeinu HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, shlita

Part Two

Chanukah is a celebration of mesiras nefesh; an acknowledgement of what mesiras nefesh can accomplish, regardless of the odds, regardless of teva. In response to our mesiras nefesh Hashem saved us with miracles. Therefore, according to the Maharam MiRottenburg celebrations of mishteh vesimchah do not adequately express our gratitude to Hashem for the nes of Chanukah. Hallel and hodo'oh can best publicize the nes of Chanukah; the miracle of mesiras nefesh.

Opinion and Comment

They Try to Make us Forget Your Torah

by Mordecai Plaut

The issue of army service for yeshiva students has been in the news lately, as a case before the High Court that seeks to upset the Tal Law makes its way through the legal process. The public service of yeshiva bochurim was also discussed extensively at a Cabinet meeting two weeks ago, where suggestions were made to make army service "more attractive" to Torah scholars, as it were. In addition, various economic leaders present the importance of integrating the "chareidi community" with the work force of Israel from their own perspective.

Opinion and Comment

Hiddurim in Olive Oil for Hanukah

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Regarding the hiddur of using olive oil to light Hanukah candles, Maran HaRav Eliashiv made known previously that the closer the oil is to the olive oil used for the menorah in Beis Hamikdosh, the more mehudar it is for Hanukah.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005


The Message of an Earthquake

A Mission to Spread Daas Torah

Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit

Can I - Should I?

The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants

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