New Device that Automatically Shuts off Fridge Before Shabbos and Turns it On Again
By Y. Shain
 The meeting at the home of HaRav Kanievsky explaining the new Shabbos device
Good news for shomrei Shabbos! A new device is soon being marketed for modern refrigerators which automatically shifts them to a Shabbos mode and back to the regular mode, thus averting complex stumbling blocks and halachic questions for those who forget to transfer their refrigerators to the Shabbos mode. The automatic setup of the new device contains a built in Jewish calendar designed for the upcoming forty years which is capable of switching the fridge to the proper Shabbos mode automatically, both for use on Shabbos and Yom Tov, including Yom Tov Sheini for foreign users — without any manual adjustment.
A special gathering commemorating and launching this new invention took place in the home of HaRav Chain Kanievsky with the participation of the heads of Mishmeres HaShabbos together with representatives of Gelbit Electronics which developed this new device, representatives of the Samsung Company from Korea as well as representatives from the Samline official distributors of Samsung products in Israel which has exclusively incorporated the device in some of its refrigerators. HaRav Kanievsky expressed his especial joy at this new device and warmly congratulated HaRav Eliyahu Beifus, head of the Mishmeres HaShabbos, who accompanied the halachic and professional aspect of the invention, as well as its actual developers and representatives of the companies.