In view of the tense and dangerous security situation throughout the country and especially in Jerusalem, and the erratic, unpredictable Arab terror incidents from the Old City, it has been decided by a citizen committee, with the blessing of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky with whom the committee is in constant consultation regarding proper ways of conduct in these times, to establish a transportation hot line which will report at any given time of day or night which roadways are safe for traffic and pedestrian access to the Old City and the Kosel.
Representatives of residents together with a member of the Jerusalem Municipality Council, Rabbi Yitzchok Pindrus, who is a resident himself, went to the home of HaRav Kanievsky to receive his blessing for their activities on behalf of those who pray at the Kosel and the hundreds of avreichim who study in kollelim within the walled city. The latter encouraged and fortified them, and blessed this initiative, adding, "It is a beneficial venture of hishtadlus." He added that notwithstanding practical efforts, it is imperative to pray for the security situation in general.
The resident committee has already noted the positive sense of relief of the inhabitants and the steady worshipers as a result of establishing this hot line which is fed by data from security personnel throughout each 24 hour period regarding incidents within the walls of the Old City, and that already from Friday night, the increased number of mispallelim who had taken advantage of this hot line before Shabbos and availed themselves of the safer venues was evident.
The hotline number is 079-930-30-30.