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Letter from Gedolei Yisroel About the Internet
Gedolei Yisrael have publicized a Daas Torah letter calling upon the general public to join in declaring that they will guard themselves against the dangers of technology which are causing disaster and spiritual heresy that have destroyed many homes. "And in the merit of safeguarding holiness and sanctity, may each individual enjoy growth in Torah and yir'a and see Heavenly assistance in every aspect."
Letter from the Gedolim
Reform Jews are not a Majority of World Jewry and not even a Majority of American Jewry
Before relating to the provocation of the Reform Jews, their progressive attempts to change Judaism while actually uprooting everything of value from the Jewish people, and the methods which must be taken to fight their dangerous goals, we sought to understand, once and for all, if the enemy against whom we are pitted is, indeed, the bulk of the Jewish people.
Uncovering the Ruins of the Stadt Shul of Vilna, Including the Gra's Shul
After seventy-two years of lying in ruins, underground radar tests carried out last year in Vilna, the Lithuanian capital, revealed ruins of the central synagogue in the city, destroyed by the Nazi regime and buried under the ground. Now, a year after the discovery, intensive work is under way to unearth the synagogue.
Vilna archaeological dig at the site of the Stadt Shul
HaRav Yisroel Salanter's Grave is in Ruins
The Jewish world is in shock and pain over the news that the holy grave of the founder of the Mussar Movement, HaRav Yisrael Salanter, in Koenigsburg, today Kaliningrad, Russia, is in disrepair. Even worse is the fact that private and organizational efforts to restore it have been prohibited on the grounds that the cemetery area was leased to the local community by the municipality, which refuses to authorize the work.
Rav Levine inspecting the desecrated grave
From Our Archives |
The International Cohen Committee
by A. Cohen
"An Organization that Addresses the Unique Issues of Modern Cohanim"
A special flight from the U.S. to Israel, kosher for Cohanim * Access to hospitals for Cohanim * Roads and highways forbidden to Cohanim * A talk with the head of the International "Vaad Hacohanim" - The Committee for the Preservation of the Purity of Cohanim *
If There is No G-d-fear, There is No Wisdom
by HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman
Part I
Chazal tell us that four things need reinforcement and encouragement, one of them being Torah. This means that Torah needs constant strengthening. Another thing is yiras Shomayim, for Torah and yiras Shomayim go hand in hand.
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I -
Should I?
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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