Gedolei Yisrael convened in an emergency meeting to discuss the purity of chareidi education at the preschool level. It took place in Modi'in Illit and was attended by hundreds of kindergarten teachers. "Any attempts to effect a determined trend to change our chinuch according to a different model counter to our principles, are bound to fail." These were the sharp words of HaRav David Cohen, rosh yeshiva of Chevron Yeshiva. The keynote address was delivered by HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, rosh yeshiva of Slobodka yeshiva. Also sponsoring this meeting was the Mara d'Asra and member of the Rabbinical Committee for Chinuch of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, HaRav Meir Kessler, as well as the Rosh Yeshiva of Slonim, member of the above Committee, HaRav Moshe Barzeski.

HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch speaking earlier this year
Decisions of the Emergency Meeting:
1. The primary responsibility of a kindergarten teacher is to instill and implant in the tender hearts of her students a love for Torah and a desire for mitzvos through a solid emunah in Hashem.
2. No changes must be made from the accepted norms, which includes telling many stories about the parsha and about the chagim, and including material about the various mitzvos.
3. One should stand on guard against new ideas, which must be carefully scrutinized. Such issues should be presented for consultation with the school administration and the internal supervision.
4. There is a very significant educational importance to the wall pictures and decorations of the kindergarten. Therefore one should be sure to have content on the walls that reinforces the messages given, expressing vital concepts.
5. The teachers must realize that their obligation is to Hashem and His Torah as representatives of the parents and the institution's administration, and are not answerable to any other body or factor.
6. Teachers must not attend supplementary courses without the express sanction of the Rabbinical Committee for Chinuch Matters.
7. We call upon the principals of the different networks for girls and boys respectively to stand firm against the local government councils so that the gananot can operate freely without outside pressure. No kindergarten teacher should deal directly with the supervisors of the Education Ministry in educational and pedagogical matters.