The gynecology and maternity departments of the Sheba Medical Center of Tel Hashomer has launched a revolution on behalf of chareidi birthing. The department has undergone a long and complex process of adapting itself to the specific needs of chareidi women from beginning to end, including attention of the smallest details.
This whole process, which extended over many months and involved investment of considerable resources, has proceeded under the guidance and tandem supervision of HaRav Tzvi Porat, rabbi and halachic consultant of the Sheba Center. This includes Shabbos observance to the mehadrin letter of the Halacha, gourmet meals, fresh and tempting with an Eida Chareidis hechsher, representing only a part of the changes which have undergone in the department.
The halachic restrictions relating to technical and logistic issues will also be dealt with through an ongoing halachic supervisor on premises.
Google view of the Sheba campus, showing the obstetrics building