Dei'ah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

4 Iyar 5776 - May 12, 2016 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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"If We Do Not Uproot the `Ego' and Foster `Ve'Ohavta LeReiacha Kamocha', We Cannot Continue With This Sacred Work"

By Yechiel Sever

With the blessings of Torah leaders, hundreds of those involved in the education of children and youth with special needs gathered from all over the country to attend a convention of "Special Education #2" to discuss the ways of dealing with the chinuch of these children via their framework of schools, and the instilling and acquisition of professional tools through the spirit of our generations-old traditions and heritage.

The convention took place in the Ramada Hotel of Jerusalem and was organized by the Ohel Asher network of institutions headed by Rabbi Shimon Revach which includes a yeshiva gedola, several yeshivos for teenagers, Talmud Torah (chadorim) schools and a series of hostels which integrate the said adult students into the community. This is effected with the rich professional experience of Rabbi Revach in this unique field, as presented at the convention by him and through the varied programs and workshops of the convention which included panel discussions, meetings, professional lectures offered by top educational experts in the field on the ways and means of dealing with these special students within a controlled framework of study and activity.

During the convention, an address on the purity of Torah education was delivered by HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael and member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. In addition, letters of support and blessing from various gedolei Torah were read aloud, as well as questions presented by educators to HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman and HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and their responses.

In HaRav Ezrachi's keynote talk, he said that he considered it, "a great privilege to stand and address those involved in this area of chinuch. I have no words to describe your tremendous endeavor." He also expanded upon the subject of interpersonal relations and the obligation to work with youth and children [with special needs] through love. "The term `treatment' should not be part of the educational lexicon. These are souls who require assistance in certain areas and we must help them to be `themselves'. This is why it is incorrect to refer to them as `cases' but, rather, as friends and students, but not merely to call them thus but to feel this relationship towards them. Yes, you can and must befriend them. You are the ones closest to them, which is why you must help them. `Ve'ohavta lerei'acho komocha' because this is the reality and essence, and you are capable of fostering this actuality and giving it full expression."

He continued to enthuse his audience with his message: "Hashem created man in His image and this realization must be brought home to those people entrusted over them. One cannot approach this labor without shunting aside our personal `ego' and cultivating the `Love your fellow man like yourself.' Do you begin to realize what is included in the term `man'? Are you at all aware of what these people are made up, what they harbor in their souls, what capabilities and capacities they encompass? Are you familiar with their world of emotion? Do you know who you are and what achievements you can attain and what you can become as well as that of those who stand before you and what they can accomplish? Learn to understand and evaluate each one even a little; learn to understand yourself, make a mutual deeper acquaintance and you will surely go far and accomplish so much more."

HaRav Ezrachi concluded his vigorous and fortifying message with the words, "We are dealing with a very sacred mission but there is an even deeper idea here of how to regard whose surrounding us, our students, those under our care. You are sensitive people with sensitive souls of a high degree. Your merits are immeasurable. May you all succeed. Know that in Heaven, you are very highly regarded. May we all only learn to realize how holy is your work. May Hashem heal all those who need healing and help all those who need help. My blessings and wishes for much success."


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