From time to time, yeshiva students gather to formulate ways for self-improvement with the encouragement, direction and participation of roshei yeshivos, mashgichim and Torah disseminators. This powerful concept has taken on accelerated flesh and form, which is why it is organized upon several occasions.
The last such gathering took place on Parshas Tazria, at the end of the winter session. Yeshiva students who had diligently devoted themselves to the study of Kesuvos, intensively delving into the difficult subjects therein, converged in great numbers from all the various sectors of the yeshiva world, representing twenty-six yeshivos, to Rechovot, gathering in the grand study hall of Yeshivas Chochma voDaas, their hearts united in eager desire to clarify further many other challenging sugyos in their striving to upgrade their Torah knowledge.
This was the third consecutive time that such an "Uplifting Shabbos" was taking place, amidst a heightened sentiment where yeshiva students had the privilege to be privy in such a momentous Shabbos. Already during that selfsame Shabbos, the promising winds blew that such an event could become a source of widespread growth for students of yeshivos ketanos as well in anticipation of their leaving their homes and entering yeshivos gedolos and their dormitories.
Such an uplifting Shabbos is already scheduled for a younger group on Parshas Behaalosecha, where the students will be privileged to participate side by side with their counterpart students of yeshivos gedolos. The theme of this Shabbos will be "Personal Empowering - Self Reinforcement and Promotion of Interacting Relationships." This subject encompasses the success of the individual yeshiva student and of his future life's structure in general. In conjunction with the participation of roshei yeshivos and mashgichim, Rabbi Aharon Margalis has also agreed to give his precious input. For details and registration, call: 054- 8485631 up until Shavuos.