We Hereby Inform the Public that there is no hetter to publicize the Tefillas haShelah HaKadosh and similar material for publicity/advertising purposes or advancing sales.
The only proper place for such prayers and prayer-requests is in proper siddurim where they are easily accessible.
In the past publication of this prayer and Pirkei Tehillim have caused untold terrible desecration of holy words and Names which ended up shamefully littering the streets.
Ezriel Auerbach
Shlomo Zalman Ulman
Yehuda Silman
And we, too, join this prohibition forbidding the defilement of holy Names for publicity purposes and sales promotion etc.
Eliyahu Abba Shaul
Yaakov Meir Stern
Shlomo Yosef Machpoud
Nissim Karelitz