For the first time in many election campaigns, the United Torah Judaism list composed of Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisroel filed its list of Knesset candidates in the early hours of the operation of the Election Committee at the Knesset. In previous elections, there were differences of opinion and substance that were not resolved until the forced deadline. This time, the list was prepared with full coordination and there were no serious difficulties.
Now there remains only one goal: To expand the chareidi representation in the Knesset for the united list. The stronger and larger is the chareidi voice in the Knesset, the better it will be for the entire community.
The first 8 positions on the list are: Rabbi Yaakov Litzman (Aguda), Rabbi Moshe Gafni (Degel), Rabbi Meir Porush (Aguda), Rabbi Uri Maklev (Degel), Rabbi Menachem Eliezer Moses (Aguda), Rabbi Yisroel Eichler (Aguda), Rabbi Yaakov Asher (Degel), Rabbi Eliezer Sorotzkin (Degel).
In the current Knesset UTJ has seven seats. Occupying them are the first seven on the above list. There is a chance of them receiving eight seats in the current elections.
Number nine is Rabbi Shlomo Teitel (Aguda) and ten is Rabbi Shlomo Hadad (Degel). Rabbi Hadad is a representative of the Sephardic Marbitzei Torah. Eleven is Rabbi Avrohom Schwartz (Aguda).