Paris Supermarket Where Four Jews Were Murdered Reopened
By R. Hofner
With the participation of the French Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, the kosher supermarket in Paris in which four Jews were massacred two months ago was officially reopened this week. The four victims were: Yoav Chatav; Philip Barham; Johann Cohen and Francois Michel Saadah. The staff has been almost totally changed, including the operating manager, the employees under him and even the worker who received a medal of honor and French citizenship for his aid in protecting the customers during the actual attack. Needless to say, the supermarket itself has undergone extensive renovation.
One of the administrators said that the attack aroused tremendous shock but there never was a question of reopening the supermarket, though many of the Jewish residents in the neighborhood expressed trepidation and aversion to shopping there again, and some would have preferred that it not resume business as a supermarket altogether but remain as a bitter memorial. It will be remembered that the terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly, entered the supermarket when the Jews were doing their Shabbos shopping.