According to a report in the Mercaz Hainyanim paper filed by Shaul Weiss, the president and head of the Mercaz Moreshes Maran HaRav MiLublin, HaRav Batzon, announced that the Jewish people are united in their demand to shut down the treif restaurant currently housed in the former building of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin. HaRav Batzon intends to head a delegation of rabbonim from Eretz Yisroel for a meeting with the chief rabbi of Poland and government officials to discuss how to stop this travesty.
Founded by HaRav Meir Shapira, the Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin was opened in the summer of 1930. A major event at the time, it drew thousands of Jews from all over Poland to the dedication. HaRav Shapira was a gifted speaker who also originated the idea of the worldwide daf yomi learning system. The yeshiva ceased operations in 1939 at the start of World War II. The Nazis looted the building. It was returned to the Jewish community in 2003.
Some time ago the chief rabbi of Poland, Rabbi Michael Shudrich, responded to an appeal from the Moreshes Maran HaRav of Lublin, saying, "Several months ago, a new administration came into power for the Jewish community of Warsaw. At the time, I appealed to the presidium of this new communal representation regarding said treif restaurant, and they expressed interest in trying to solve this problem. I truly hope that they will, indeed, change the present situation."
A delegation of Jews which recently visited the place were shocked at the very idea that in a place where the Maharam Shapira disseminated his Torah teachings, in the selfsame sanctified rooms and halls where Torah was studied day and night, there now sit gentiles and Jews defiling that sanctity through eating repulsive food. It is hoped that the world outcry against the community which houses the building of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin will bring about the closure of this abominable restaurant.