In light of the attempts to introduce the Papiloma Vaccine into chareidi schools, our halachic authorities have issued a call to the chareidi public to resist and not take this vaccine.
The call of our major poskim was first publicized last year, on the 25th of Cheshvan 5774, through the initiative of Yated Ne'eman and following the announcement of the Health Ministry to include this vaccine as part of the routine inoculations for the Israeli population. This HPV shot was introduced at the beginning of last year and was administered to all eighth graders. Currently, the government is trying to introduce it to chareidi schools as well, and many schools, for lack of awareness of its implications, have already issued letters to parents about the upcoming inoculation which is purported to prevent cancer.
It should be noted that this sweeping decision to inoculate all girls aged thirteen has aroused criticism from top doctors, especially in light of reports in medical literature about incidents of harsh side effects connected to the vaccine.