Preparations for the Launching of Shutfim LaTorah Campaign
By Yechiel Sever
With the blessings and directives of gedolei Yisroel, the necessary activities are in high swing for the launching of the new world-spanning organization, "Partners for Torah", and its fundraising and publicity campaign. The organization is being established to set up and fortify a financial body which will supervise and dispense across the board aid to yeshivos and avreichim, a broad allocation of financial aid to be recruited from Jewish groups throughout the world, as well as from individual families, funds which will be transferred in entirety to kollelim and yeshivos on an equitable basis. This fund will enable the donors to be real partners in the Torah study of tens of thousands of avreichim and yeshiva students.
As has been reported these past weeks, this world organization, "Partners in Torah", has been created through the urgent encouragement of our Torah leadership, namely: HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman; HaRav Shmuel Wosner and HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, in order to raise the esteem of Torah and its toilers, and to help them financially, especially in the wake of difficult economic government sanctions and drastic cuts in these recent years. The foundation ceremony which took place in the home of HaRav Kanievsky, the latter addressed the rabbonim of the directorate of "Partners in Torah" and told them to guarantee all donors that "Torah is tantamount to everything else."
Now, after considerable groundwork and establishment of detailed guidelines from the organization's rabbonim: HaRav Yisroel Ganz; HaRav Reuven Elbaz, HaRav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky; HaRav Tzvi Katz, HaRav Yechiel Bamberger; HaRav Shmuel Eliezer Stern and HaRav Nattan Ben Senior, who are members of the association, the latter has signed up tens of thousands of avreichim and bnei yeshiva through their various institutions. In the upcoming days, the fundraising campaign of "Rescuing the Torah World" will go into full swing to extend concrete aid to those kollelim and yeshivos.