Dei'ah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

30 Shvat 5775 - February 19, 2015 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Opinion: Erecting Our Communal Iron Dome

by M Shulman

We cannot be like the one who built a stone wall against the attack of flying missiles. We must build an effective Iron Dome defense system that will deal with the real threats of the real world.

The true battle field is the soul of each and every young person (and some older people as well). Will he succumb to the temptations of modernity and fall into the broken cisterns that litter his path?

We must not prepare a superficial and external defense system. We must plan our defense with deep perception and penetrating insight into the roots of the problem.

Until some twenty years ago, there was no concept of youthful dropouts from chareidi society. The struggle of Gedolei Yisroel on behalf of the weaker elements meant those in the periphery, wavering at the fringes, not youth from the very center of the Torah world. The problem has developed in the second generation, the generation that was born into the developed Torah world. There were some who could not cope.

A new challenge, requiring new approaches.

In response an array of organizations and methodologies were developed to serve as the Iron Dome of the Torah world. The battle is waged over each and every individual, and an answer is given to each problem. Tutorial organizations were even set up with professional guidance to prevent problems from forming.

The motto is to deal with the attractions from within. With wisdom and understanding. To guide the youth to find satisfaction from inside and to weaken the pull of the external threat.

It is impossible to speak of the chinuch revolution without mentioning Rav Yechiel Jaobsen. He was the first, coming out with a pamphlet entitled, "Al Techet'u Bayeled." With deep and broad explanations he presented the chinuch answer that is necessary for this generation, with its unique character, weaknesses, problems and the solutions.

It was unconventional when it was first proposed. Some preferred to ignore and cover up the problems, declaring how strong the generation is even though it was not true. The went to gedolei Yisroel to complain, and got an unequivocal answer: our generation must think and contemplate. We must get to the roots of the issues and choose appropriate responses. The spirit is the same spirit. The path is the same path. But the means are appropriate to the problems. Nothing should be regarded as not subject to criticism. The main principle is: Do not go with the flow, with intellectual laziness. We must think through our ways.

We must not stagnate. Against the constantly changing dangers, we must innovate and devise the appropriate responses.

"`Because I know that he will command his son and household after him and they will preserve the path of Hashem, to de tzedokoh and mishpat.' HaKodosh Boruch Hu said that He knows him. I love Avrohom Ovinu. Why? Because he commands and educates his children and family after him. Avrohom used to convert the men and Soroh the women. What happened to all those converts? Where are their descendants? The answer is that they did not know the secret of education. Only Avrohom Ovinu knew the secret of education. And that is why HaKodosh Boruch Hu said that he knows Avrohom Ovinu. This is the secret of Klal Yisroel in all the generations: the education of the children and family... "and they will preserve the path of Hashem." (Remarks of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman at a gathering of mechanchim.)


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