The historic pilgrimage of a delegation of Dirshu rabbonim to the gravesite of the Chofetz Chaim will imminently set forth. The purpose is to pray for the myriads of devotees of the Daf Hayomi BeHalacha, and the Dirshu organization is prepared to deal with tens of thousands of more people interested in joining this study regimen of daily halachic study so that their names will be included in the lists of members being prayed for at this site several days before Rosh Hashana when the Books of Life and Death will be opened in Heaven and all will pass before the Heavenly Tribunal for judgment.
Dirshu has established headquarters to receive names of those who are committed to study the Mishnah Berurah through the curriculum of Dirshu's Daf Yomi BeHalacha, beginning from the yahrtzeit, when the public will commence learning from Siman 37, the laws of putting on tefillin, joining all of Jewry with a collective power of Torah study to pray and ensure their inscription and sealing for a good life in the Book of Tzaddikim.
This is the second time that a delegation of Dirshu rabbonim will be visiting the tomb of the Chofetz Chaim after a completion of the entire round of the Daf Yomi BeHalacha and the commencement of the second round. The delegation will hold its prayers at the gravesite in the cemetery at the edge of Radin.
This project has gained tremendous response and success in that within several weeks alone, Dirshu has received over 30,000 appeals from Jews who have committed themselves to the study program of daily Halacha. This tremendous success did not lose momentum even after the beginning of the second round, with most of the subscribers taking the monthly exams in the hundreds of Dirshu centers spread throughout the world, a figure of close to 20,000 participants.