The Tavor Technologies company has announced the completion of the development of a new nurse-paging device for the bedridden which conforms halachically to Shabbos use lemehadrin.
The system's operation is based on a beam of light that is transmitted permanently using a new and advanced technology. The caller who presses the call button on Shabbos merely opens a barrier which blocks the light, without any electrical or digital action.
The development of this apparatus was made within the framework of a series of cooperative projects with the Mishmeres HaShabbos organization, that tries to satisfy public needs for Shabbos solutions, and aims to create mechanical substitutes for kosher Shabbos usage of appliances which usually operate electrically or digitally.
The development of this system is a concrete expression of the halachic objective of gedolei hador who told the rabbonim of Mishmeres HaShabbos that, when creating and/or adapting of products, they should not rely on heteirim like `she'as hadchak' or special consideration for sick people, but rather to develop devices whose use on Shabbos is completely permissible and involves no discussion or controversy.
The system is suited for use in hospitals, convalescent homes, senior citizens homes, mikvo'os or private home usage for the handicapped and the bedridden.
A working model of this system was constructed and used experimentally with great success by Tavor Technologies according to its design, and the first production models will soon be installed in the appropriate institutions.