A man's obligation in his life is to engage with Torah and mitzvos with all his powers, like a slave who is obligated to serve his master at all times and in every situation," said HaRav Gershon Edelstein in an address to mark the beginning of the zman in the beis medrash of the Ponovezh Yeshiva.
HaRav Edelstein explained that if one does not use all his powers for avodas Hashem, including toil in Torah and fulfilling mitzvos, he will not discharge his duty in the world. We are subservient to HaKodosh Boruch Hu, to serve Him with all our powers, like slaves to their masters. Certainly one cannot serve with more than he has available, but one must do whatever is possible. If it is possible to do more and one does not do more in avodas Hashem because of laziness, then this is not odom hasholeim. Real shleimus is to do whatever is possible to do using all one's powers.
HaRav Edelstein spoke about the obligation to learn mussar regularly. He noted that yeshivas set aside a half-hour for learning mussar daily. This is an absolute obligation as explained in the Mishnah Berurah siman 1.
HaRav Edelstein concluded: "We mentioned already the words of the Rambam who wrote that, when all of a person's actions, both physical and spiritual, are lesheim Shomayim, the result is that he is oveid Hashem all the time, including when he sleeps and when he eats. If we are aware that all of our deeds in eating and drinking and the like are not just to have pleasure, but that all is to strengthen the body for avodas Hashem and toil in Torah, then all our deeds are reckoned as avodas Hashem.
"When we are mischazeik with these things, we will merit great siyata deShmaya and great success, and all wishes of our hearts will be fulfilled for the good."