The members of Kibbutz Yakum welcomed the distinguished visitors with festive excitement. HaRav Yaakov Eidelstein and the Admor of Sanz came expressly to strengthen the hands of the farmers of the Sharon region who have undertaken to observe Shmittah with mesirus nefesh.
The heads of Keren Hashevi'is, presided over by the Gavad of Kommemiyus, initially visited the homes of the Gedolei Yisrael, asking them to convey their message to the shomrei Shmittah farmers, and the former fervently agreed to partake in the various gatherings which are so fortifying and encouraging to the farmers.
The rabbonim were greeted by the many farmers from the Sharon and central regions of the country, and the hundreds of the cheder and Chinuch Atzmai talmidim of the Kadima yishuv. This cheder was established from Chinuch Atzmai funding and the behest of HaRav Shteinman and the Gerrer Rebbe. The distinguished guests were greeted with a rousing "Se'u Shearim" and energetic flag waving of those excited children.