Representatives of Degel HaTorah and Shas in the Jerusalem municipality urgently approached high ranking officials and the administration of the Jerusalem Development Authority emphatically demanding the halt of mass chillul Shabbos planned for the upcoming Shabbosos in the city through the agendas of "Spring in the Park" by various bodies connected to the city administration.
According to advertisements and publicity, the mass events, scheduled to take place on Shabbos, will be sponsored and organized by companies connected to the municipality. Notices advertised invite the public at large to participate in the "Spring in the Park" activities which will include tours and trips, workshops, theatrical presentations both for adults and for children and many other attractions. Public bus transportation from the various neighbors is also scheduled to be organized through registration at the local community centers.
The Jerusalem municipality has reacted to the protest with the following statement: "This project involves activities that have been carried out for years, not under the auspices of the city and not financed by it." The chareidi members of the city council protested, arguing that "even if the city is not the financing factor, it is unheard of that activities involving chillul Shabbos be held by any bodies or companies at all connected to the Jerusalem municipality."