To Strengthen the Parameters of Tznius
Bs"d, 5 Tishrei 5774
Tznius of women is a fundamental matter and therefore the main battle of the yetzer hora is in these matters as explained in the Igeres HaGra (Nusach Ar"Tz).
Since this one of the main fundamental matters and, chas vesholom, if there is no tznius the posuk says, "He will go away from you," meaning the withdrawal of the Shechinah, chas vesholom, therefore we hereby wish to encourage [everyone] greatly to strengthen oneself in the matter of tznius, according to the parameters that were set in this matter by the beis din Mishmar HaTorah.
And certainly any strengthening in these matters will stand as a merit in the approaching Days of Judgment that are coming for good, to be blessed with Kesivah Veshasimah Tovah in the Book of Absolute Tzaddikim.
A.L. Shteinman
Shmuel Halevi Wosner
Nissim Karelitz
Chaim Kanievsky