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Kenes for Those Entering Yeshiva Gedolah
"The yearning of bnei yeshiva to become a Torah elite is what grants them special siyata deShmaya for success." These were the words spoken this past Sunday evening by HaRav Gershon Eidelstein in a special guidance-prep talk delivered before more than a thousand yeshiva students who are finishing their year of shiur gimmel in intermediate level yeshivos. Known in Israel as "yeshiva ketanos," the students are aged roughly 13-16. They were gathered, as every year, by the Dirshu organization for a chizuk message prior to their entering the various yeshivos gedolos in the upcoming Elul term.
Ranks of Shmittah-Committed Swelling
Shortly before the onset of the Shmittah year, the Keren haShmittah administration convened for another session prior to the upcoming year with the members who are full partners with the organization's activities to date regarding mapping the farms that will join the project and the logistics of the imminent Shmittah year itself.
Bnei Brak Municipality to Set up 100 Shmittah Disposal Bins
Bnei Brak will be setting an innovative and blessed precedent for the upcoming Shmittah year: 100 disposal bins scattered by the municipality throughout 100 sites in the city. The initiative is the brainstorm of Mayor Rabbi Chanoch Zeibart and his deputy, Rabbi Menachem Shapira, head of the Health/Sanitation department in the city, who sought a convenient and efficient answer to the problem of the disposal of shmittah produce which has kedushas shevi'is.
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 11th Av (5624)
Despite his lofty madreigos in Torah and avodas Hashem, Reb Hillel Paritcher (as he is known) never attributed greatness to himself, only considering himself a talmid of his Rebbe. Next to the Tzemach Tzedek zt"l he was practically nothing in his own eyes.
From Our
by B. Re'eim
Part One
He wrote: " `A tzaddik rules with the fear of G-d' -- his rule is not that of a human being but the rule of the fear of Heaven. This is the inner characteristic of the Chosen People. Even if a Jew and a gentile reach the same level of recognition of G-d, there is still a vast gulf between them, that puts them in different classes, obligating us to have a new standard of conduct" (Toras Avrohom).
by Rabbi N.Z. Grossman
Part I
Recent attempts by Israeli government bodies to interfere with chareidi education have aroused renewed concern in our community, as reported in our paper some weeks ago. Led by HaRav Eliashiv, gedolei Yisroel stated that any changes to Torah education must be resisted and fought with determination. The preservation of the purity of the Torah education that our children receive is one of the linchpins of our educational system.
by the Yerushalmi Maggid, HaRav Benzion Yadler zt'l
The Anshei Knesses Hagedolah convened towards the end of the Babylonian exile. In their wisdom and with their spirit of holiness, they understood that Yerushalayim had only been destroyed because "people strictly followed the letter of the law" (Bava Metzia 32). In other words, the people had failed to observe the protective measures and the stringencies and customs that the Sages of each generation had instituted. The Anshei Knesses Hagedolah therefore instructed their disciples to "Make a fence for the Torah" (Ovos 1:1).
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants