Dei'ah veDibur - Information &

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18 Kislev 5774 - November 21, 2013 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Opinion: The Last Command Post

By Rav Meir Weisberg

The article before us, is an acutely candid product of the late writer and educator, Rav Meir Weisberg, who was known for his zeal regarding everything sacred through total submission to our gedolei Torah.

These words were taken from one of the last articles he wrote during the last Knesset election campaign in response to various strident voices which attempted to undermine the authority of the gedolim and elders of our generation.

These words were presented by his family and will hopefully serve as well for iluy nishmoso.


And this stood by for our ancestors and for us! Hashem saves us from the hands of our enemies, both those from without and those from within: i.e. our outspoken enemies as well as the covert ones hidden from the eyes of the masses — but not so from the eyes of the leaders of our generations. The latter watch with vigilant eyes, tensed to register every small cloud forecasting an approaching storm.

We have a covenant with our Creator, Who keeps His promises to us to "leave a remnant, and [Who] will leave in His vineyard seedlings of two or three kernels in each generation to illuminate the eyes of the survivors."

"They probe the hidden secrets of the wisdoms of the world and bring to light its mysteries, explaining the reasons in the Torah, Mishna and Talmud. They established foundations and erected pillars to fortify the foundations of Hashem's Torah upon which the House of Israel rests so surely. They also reinforce the parameters of derech eretz and mussar, of character improvement, authoring essays more precious than gold or crystal" (taken from the introduction of the translator to Chovos Halevovos.)

The last stronghold, the unconquered fortification, was and will be the houses of our generation's leaders. In these houses, the Torah reigns supremely and absolutely. No one shall challenge them for their actions and words, and their Torah testify for them like thousands of witnesses, to their wisdom, pure-mindedness, imperviousness to any hint of other interests. Thus, these are the seed-germs which R' Yehuda Ibn Tibbun, the translator of Chovos Halevovos from the original Arabic, referred to.

Whoever disputes this — whether from despair, chutzpah or arrogance, nullifies all the teachings of the previous gedolei hador (and even of those two generations back) who publicized the views of the future Torah leaders, may they live to guide us for many good days and years to come.

The present generation which seeks to stymie us, denying the leadership of our present day talmidei chachomim, stands us up before an impossible situation. On the one hand, they enable the improper ones to infiltrate the inner sanctum and emerge `victorious', in their own view. There is no greater chillul Hashem than this! On the other hand, they strip us of every possibility of raising our children to Torah and mitzvos. And if the last bastion of authority is lost, then all is lost and each one shall do what is right in his sight.

Here we are, in this present generation, where the blessed community of Bnei Torah, who dedicate their lives to Torah day and night, are losing the authority and power of Torah. It is not possible to educate the future generation in this way, that is, to say: Only up to this point are we subservient to the words and authority of our gedolim, while in this or that area they have made a grave mistake, choliloh.

How? How, I ask, can we raise a generation of sons and students in such a manner? If said figure is not a godol hador, because in one aspect he is misguided (and they have conclusive proof, as it were), what shall the son do so as not to be confused and confounded when he is so sure that his mentor has made a mistake in another area, even if that area does not affect him? Thousands of letters to the editor praising the pure view but which fail to address this problem are false and misleading. Even if we presume that what they wrote is true, but it is only a half truth. We cannot help but cry and descry, and lament the results in the future generation because a so-called victory which negates the authority of the gedolei hador, is a tragedy whose future implications we cannot predict.

Precisely here, where the obfuscation is diverse, and the Jewish enemies and anti-Semites rear upon us, are we are not united as Bnei Torah. [This disunity is] an ominous cloud that hovers over us, boding no good, Hashem forfend.


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