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13 Cheshvan 5774 - October 17, 2013 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

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The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

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Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Supports the Representatives of Gedolei HaTorah

The Torah elders and leaders, members of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, assembled in the meeting room of the Bnei Brak headquarters of Degel HaTorah, the holy movement which was founded by HaRav Shach and HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, together with ylct"a, HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman.

Special Guests from Eretz Yisroel, Tolna Rebbe and Mir Rosh Hayeshiva, to Grace Agudath Israel Convention

The 91st Annual Convention of Agudath Israel of America will be graced with the presence of two very special guests from Eretz Yisroel: Rabbi Yitzchok Weinberg, the Tolna Rebbe, and Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, Rosh HaYeshiva of Mir Yerushalayim.

HaRav Nechemia Malin zt"l

Thousands of Jerusalem residents, from Sanhedria Murchevet and elsewhere, participated this past Monday in the funeral of Rosh Yeshivas Knesses Yehuda, HaRav Nechemia Malin, who passed away at the goodly age of 97. During his long lifetime, he learned and taught and produced many, many talmidim from the halls of his institutions, Knesses Yehuda, which he founded with great devotion and from which he disseminated Torah for many years.

Ha'Admor Rabbi Yechezkel HaKohen Rabinowitz, zt"l of Radomsk, author of Knesses Yechezkel
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 18th Cheshvan 5671

The son of the Knesses Yechezkel, the last scion of Radomsker Rebbes, Reb Shlomo Chanoch, Hy"d, wrote the introduction to his father's sefer. There he mentions that "it is known to all that my father endangered his life in the face of those who wished to uproot Torah values."

From Our Archives

Opinion and Comment
Do Not Ignore Reality

by Mordecai Plaut

Last weekend, a prominent member of Fatah's military wing in Shechem was killed by the IDF. His surviving friends went around demanding that the stores in the area close down during the funeral. One owner of a butcher store refused to close, and he was shot dead on the spot.

Opinion and Comment

"And He Armed His Disciples"

by HaRav Meir Shapira zt'l of Lublin

Rashi explains that the term "chinuch" came to mean "education" because it denotes the entrance of a person or a vessel into their future occupation or use, and in the pesukim which speak of "chanoch lana'ar," "chanukas hamizbe'ach" and "chanukas habayis," the word chinuch is always used in this sense.

Opinion and Comment

Chareidi Music and Non-Music

by Rabbi Ephraim Luft

Part II

The first part described the roots of modern rock and roll music, that is very different from the music played during most of recorded civilized history. Modern music emphasizes the rhythm and not the melody. This appeals to the lower forces of human beings. Newsweek wrote in 1956, "It appeals to the very base of man, brings out animalism and vulgarity." It is music that was made for idol worship and immoral behavior. Researchers have also shown that wild rock music affects blood pressure and heartbeat, changing it somewhat to conform to the rhythm of the music itself.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005


The Message of an Earthquake

A Mission to Spread Daas Torah

Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit

C an I - Should I?

The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants

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