The Purpose of the Government is to Secularize the Chareidim
By Yechiel Sever
"The Government's goal is one: to secularize the chareidim." This statement was uttered by MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni on the One Day Seminar held by the "Union of Seminary Principals" in the Simchas Olam hall in Bnei Brak, attended by dozens of seminary principles and members of the Union.
Rabbi Azarya Hildesheimer, principal of the Petach Tikva Bais Yaakov Seminary, dwelled on the public struggle of the chareidi public, including the seminaries, against the harsh government decrees which crop up anew all the time. "We find ourselves in frenetic times where the government strikes at us mercilessly. But just as in `those times', Hashem will surely help us now as well to continue to increase, in spite of our enemies' efforts."
Rabbi Chanoch Zeibert, Mayor of Bnei Brak, said that he would everything in his power to help the principals, educational institutions and residents of Bnei Brak. He urged them to ignore those who purport to be concerned for us. "We are not a disadvantaged population; we are a very successful and flourishing population. With a great deal of prayer, we will succeed in this battle as well."