Blessings for Upcoming Yarchei Kalla for Israelis
By Yechiel Sever
A new initiative has been launched with the blessings of gedolei Yisroel consisting of a joint effort among businessmen already establishing set times for Torah study to join an annual Yarchei Kallah, adapted to the chareidi public of laymen and businessmen who work during the year. It is planned for the end of the winter, taking place from Monday through Wednesday, 22nd -24th of Adar Beis.
The yearly three-day Yarchei Kallah is scheduled to take place in the Tzipori Bakfar Hotel in Kibbutz Chofetz Chaim, during which the participants will undergo a unique spiritual experience in returning to the exalted yeshiva atmosphere. Shiurim will be delivered by esteemed roshei yeshivos, rabbonim and dayonim, as well as chizuk talks on pertinent topics. Top lecturers will deliver addresses, and panels will be held on various topical matters, as well as evening gatherings led by public relations people and top figures in education.
Registration for this Yarchei Kallah can be made by phone: 03-5790261, fax: 03-6190676 or email: yarcheikala1@gmail.com