Letter about the Israeli Newspaper HaPeles
The newspaper HaPeles, which has been published for some time now, is full of ridicule and abuse of talmidei chachomim, fomenting controversy, and propagating hatred amongst G-d-fearing Jews. It cools off the strongly committed yirei Hashem from strengthening themselves in Torah and yirah, and incites the youth to acts contrary to the spirit of Torah, and even brings chillul Sheim Shomayim, and many other evils.
Therefore, we appeal to all yirei Hashem not to allow this paper to enter their home in any form, and urge them to avoid lending them assistance in any manner, all the more so to allow themselves to be interviewed by them or to avail themselves of their advertising in any way. It should be conveyed to those who do advertise in that paper that they are thereby abetting chillul Hashem through such support of this undesirable publication.
May Hashem Yisborach infuse us with His pure spirit from Above and impose peace among the G-d-fearing, especially at this dangerous time as we face the destroyers from within and those from the outside.
7 Adar Alef, 5774
[Signed] Chaim Kanievsky
A.L. Shteinman
Gershon Eidelstein
Arye Leib Finkel