Gross Brothers Released from Hospital
By Yisrael Rosner
Thanks to great Heavenly mercy and to the joy and relief of tens of thousands of people who prayed for the recovery of the members of the Gross family, the two brothers, seven-year-old Chaim Michoel Shlomo and five-year-old Refoel Yitzchok Isaac, were released this past Monday from the Schneider Children's Hospital in Petach Tikva. The boys were taken to the hospital through a complicated maneuver four weeks ago in very critical condition, their lives hanging by a thread. They were cared for intensively in the ICU Cardiac unit headed by Dr. Ovadi Dagan and administrator of the unit, Rim Abd el Hai, throughout their stay until their release this Monday.
The happy tidings spread rapidly throughout all chareidi centers and communities in Israel and the world, whose members had been hammering at the heavenly gates for their recovery from the tragic circumstances of their hospitalization.