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Joint Announcement of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah and of Agudath Israel
The heart of G-d-fearing Jews is soured and sore in light of the intentions to issue draft decrees against yeshiva students and kollel avreichim, who toil in Torah and for whom Torah is their only occupation, in order to uproot them from the beis medrash. The [only] place for these Torah students is in the tent of Torah, and no one has any right to uproot them from their place and thus to veritably strike at the very core of our existence. They [government authorities] surely have no mandate to draft them and force upon them the milieu of the army, where just being there constitutes a grave spiritual danger, Hashem yeracheim, and it is the opposite of their pure upbringing and their purpose in life.
Meeting of One Hundred Roshei Yeshiva
At five p.m. on Monday 13 Teves, some one hundred roshei yeshiva and prominent figures of the Torah world from all over Eretz Yisroel, gathered in the Beis Hamedrash of Oholei Yosef Talmud Torah on Rechov Hirsch in Bnei Brak. The purpose of the emergency gathering of these representatives of the whole of Klal Yisroel's yeshivos was to protest the appalling decree of forced army service.
As the body which has been greatly privileged and invested with the tremendous responsibility of calling to the legions of the King, tens of thousands of bnei yeshivos and Torah scholars, may they increase, we declare and notify as follows:
Two Sessions From the Recent Agudah Convention
Many sessions at the recent 91st National Convention of Agudath Israel of America were extremely well received. Following the response to these sessions, the Agudah staff prepared two for publication.
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
From Our
by Rebbetzin Yaffa Malin-Ebner
It seems to me that the past is not of the past. It has never really passed us by because in some measure, it always remains with us. It is a part of our lives of whose presence we are continually aware. At every moment of our lives -- our past is here.
by Mordecai Plaut
The first mitzvah given to Odom Horishon was: "Peru urevu umil'u es ho'oretz" -- be fruitful and multiply and fill up the land. In parshas Shemos the first fact about Israel in Mitzrayim that we are told, right at the beginning, is that they fulfilled this Divine commandment: "And Bnei Yisroel were fruitful and gave birth and increased and became a very mighty throng, so that the land was full of them" (Shemos 1:7).
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants