Widespread Arousal for the Study of Hilchos Shemiras Haloshon and Interpersonal Mitzvos during the Three Weeks
By Y. Shain
As a response to the call of Torah leadership to be strengthened in those vital mitzvos bein adam lechavero and the laws of shemiras halashon, and in view of the difficult situation we find ourselves in Eretz Yisroel, the shiurim in these areas, including judging others favorably which is a mitzvah midOraysa, will be held as in past years throughout the country. In a letter publicized in Tuesday's Yated, the Torah leaders state: "One who is not expert in these particular laws cannot help but stumble in forbidden areas, especially since the laws of loshon hora are of practical pertinence, day by day and even hourly."
A series of lectures especially geared to the Three Weeks will take place this eighth year consecutively in shuls and botei medrash throughout the country, as well as in yeshiva halls, and will hopefully, as in past years, have massive attendance. Indeed, the numbers of shiurim swell from year to year and more participants join them, thanks to the blessed initiative of the Notzrei Loshon organization.
Many yeshivos and kollelim offer this series of shiurim, which sees tremendous benefit for the students and which, in turn, spurs the organization of more and more such lectures in all the areas of interpersonal relations, with marked results. Many yeshivos have begun ongoing study of the laws of shemiras halashon and of weekly exams from the works of the Chofetz Chaim, with prizes awarded. The question-and-answer program of Olam HaTorah Medabrim Cmo Shemutar' has also seen much success.