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Letter from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita
Anticipating the Shmittah Year 5775
The shmittah year will soon be upon us. It is a very stringent mitzvah, as the Ramban commented (Vayikra 25:2): The Torah was very strict about this more than other prohibitions, since violations of shmittah are punishable by exile because this is a basic fundament of emunah. It is written further in Sanhedrin (39a): Sow for six years and lay fallow on the seventh so that you know that the land is Mine.
Increase Torah Learning Because Torah Protects and Saves
At the urging of gedolei Yisrael, the Vaad Hayeshivos in Eretz Yisrael has issued a stirring call directed especially to yeshiva students to "increase and intensify effort in Torah through filling the benches in the beis medrash, since it is Torah which protects and saves." This is in light of the difficult present situation in Eretz Yisrael, where there are dead and wounded from the ranks of our brethren, and the residents of Eretz Yisrael find themselves in mortal danger.
The Knesset Discussion Regarding Fees for Performing Weddings
In the course of a very heated discussion which took place this past Monday in the Knesset Interior Committee regarding MK Shuli Mualem's (Habayit Hayehudi) bill forbidding rabbonim from receiving fees for officiating at weddings, MK Rabbi Uri Maklev clarified that this law "is an invitation to corruption and hypocritical dealings defying the law under the guise of Jewish law. It is yet another tier in the attempts of Habayit Hayehudi's MKs to certify the Tzohar so-called rabbis through the back door by tampering with the institution of marriage registration presently in effect through the religious councils."
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 17 Av 5584
Reb Avrohom was a worthy descendent of all his illustrious forbears. His rebbe, Reb Yaakov Yitzchok the Chozeh of Lublin zt"l, would state to his credit that he took after his grandfather Rabbi Moshe of Bendin zt"l, who in thirty years that he served as rov had the great merit that no difficult shailoh arose either in hilchos Pesach or in milk and meat. During the entire period there was not a single fire-related accident, a fact that was attributed to his zchus.
From Our
By HaRav Avrohom Baharan zt"l
We are now in the Three Weeks when we mourn the destruction and loss of the Beis Hamikdash. The more we understand the value of what was lost, the stronger is our longing for our redemption. There are many facets of this loss, but I want to focus on one aspect, and to demonstrate how we are attempting to replace our loss until the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdosh, let it be bimheiroh veyomeinu, speedily, in our times.
by S. Fried
"The year is 1953. I am 30 years old . . . One day Eli Malkiel Greenwald and his daughter Rina come to me . . . `Would you be able to take on Abba's defense?' asks Rina, showing me the indictment the State filed against her father . . . "
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants