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"Shmittah Farmers Create Kiddush Hashem"
"We are aware of how many dangers threaten Eretz Yisrael from inside and out. Our merit of living here and being able to pursue Torah study is largely thanks to those who observe shmittah." This was the boosting message of our gedolim at an impressive event which took place in the home of HaRav Eidelstein for the farmers who committed themselves to keeping shmittah and are currently organizing themselves for the upcoming year. Participating in this special gathering were HaRav Arye Finkel, HaRav Boruch Dov Povarsky, HaRav Shmuel Yaakov Bornstein, HaRav Bezalel Pinchasi, the Admor of Chernobyl and the Admor of Alexander.
In Honor of His Yahrtzeit - Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (5583)
"The Shulchan Oruch of Toras HaChassidus." This exalted comparison was used by the great chassidic masters to describe the sefer of Rabbeinu, Ma'or Voshemesh on Torah and the festivals.
From Our
by Rabbi Dov Eliach
This the last of three articles based closely on Chapter 21 of the work, HaGaon by Rabbi Eliach. The second part was in the issue of parshas Bamidbor, and the first was in the Pesach edition.
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
These days, the slopes of the Catskill mountains are dotted with typical vacationing spots populated by the chareidi public. With hardly a pause America, and especially New York City, relocates itself from the "foothills" of skyscrapers to the pleasant shade of oaks and pines and fresh mountain air. One such place is Camp Ohr Shraga, the summer learning camp associated with Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. A unique atmosphere of harmony creates the perek shira of the Catskill Mountains in the land of creature comforts and materialism.
by Rabbi N. Z. Grossman
Part I
Growth and Challenge
Rav Yaakov Emden zt'l writes that Am Yisroel's survival in the face of the efforts of all those who have arisen to destroy us -- like a sheep among seventy wolves -- is the greatest miracle in all of history. A similar observation can be made about the growth and expansion of the chareidi community in the Holy Land despite all the attempts to halt and contain it. The survival and flowering of the Torah world in the face of overt sabotage and persecution must also be reckoned as one of the miracles of the survival of the Torah nation.
by Yochanan Dovid
I met him one evening as he was coming home from work. From afar, I noticed that he was walking somewhat hunched over, a sure sign of a depressed state of mind. As an old friend, I immediately asked him, "How are you feeling? Did anything unfavorable happen to you today at work?"
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants