New On the Seforim Shelves — Amudei Eretz
By Yechiel Sever
Amudei Eretz, a new sefer encapsulating the laws of Shmittah according to HaRav Nissim Karelitz and HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, is already being made available to the public. It presents all the laws of the Seventh Year in succinct form, explained very clearly, together with their practical applications. This work incorporates the halachic decisions of the outstanding halachic authorities, both culled from their works, Chut haShani and Derech Emunah, and from what was verbally transmitted from the mouths of Torah leaders and halachic experts - disciples of the Chazon Ish — throughout the Diaspora from all over the Torah, especially regarding Shmittah. It was, of course, the Chazon Ish who organized and consolidated all the laws of Shmittah, transmitting to his followers the approach vis a vis Halacha and its practical implementation.
This work was compiled and prepared for publication by a team of talmidei chachomim, headed by HaRav Yosef Dov Septimus, who gained the approbation of Torah leaders due to his comprehensive experience in editing outstanding halachic works which were hailed throughout the Diaspora and were published by the Institute for Halacha and Horo'oh which operates throughout the year to inculcate the traditional transmission of halachic studies as given over through the years by our Torah sages.