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The Pangs Preceding Moshiach Involve Spiritual Matters as Well
"We find ourselves in the generation preceding the coming of Moshiach. In our Shabbos zemiros we sing, `They will be spared the pangs of Moshiach['s coming] with grace; May You sprout our deliverance and banish agony and distress.' Who knows if the blight of Internet is not part of these pangs, for chevlei Moshiach also include spiritual matters for which we need Heavenly mercy."
Niftar on 19 Sivan 5764 (2004)
"Bayla Hinda, du herst?" called out HaGaon Reb Isser Zalman Meltzer, zt"l to his rebbetzin with wonder and excitement. "This bochur just gave a sevoroh exactly like our Reb Aharon."
From Our
by Mordecai Plaut
All public institutions in a democratic society must take into consideration that they are creations of the society and they are, in important ways, in a dialogue with the public. Even if the public cannot talk back to them for various reasons, what they do must ultimately be at least understandable to the broad community.
by Rav Yosef Shrim
The ambition of Jewish parents in every generation has been to see their offspring attain greatness in Torah and in fear of Heaven, and to follow the path trodden by traditional Jewry through the ages. Sadly, although this desire is common to all parents, it is by no means universally attained, or attained in full.
by Rabbi N. Z. Grossman
Part II
In the first part, Rabbi Grossman noted that there is a relatively new kind of person, whose lifestyle is chareidi and who self-identifies socially as a chareidi, but who is not really a chareidi in crucial respects. Being chareidi isn't just a matter of belonging to a club. It is an exalted way of life involving more of an ongoing internal process -- self-discipline, working on character, advancement in Torah and in yiras Shomayim -- than external appearance.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants