We wanted to thank everyone who has joined and will
join the tefillas rabbim for the refuah shleimoh of
HaRav Shlomo Leib ben Miriam (Brevda).
We want to thank Hashem for his many chassodim, and to
tell of the wonderful things he has done for us.
Several weeks ago the condition of the Rov was
described as "critical." He literally reached the gates
of death, so that even the doctors said that he had no
more than four days to live!
With chasdei Hashem yisborach, his condition improved.
The doctors call it a medical miracle and, bs"D, he is
fully conscious, he can breathe on his own, and speak
and eat.
We truly saw the power of tefilloh. Hashem gave us an
opportunity to see how tefillos can change nature. Even
if a sharp sword is poised above one's neck, he should
not give up on rachamim.
All this we were zoche to in the zechus of the Tehillim
that hundreds of people took upon themselves to say for
the refuah of the Rov shlita. The Rov shlita has left
intensive care and is in rehabilitation. After that he
will undergo another series of treatments.
One can join those saying Tehillim for his recovery. Up
until rosh chodesh Shvat: Mornings: 09-979-1068;
Afternoons and evenings: 072-261-5640; 02-563-8280; 08-