A meeting of rabbonim on "Halacha and Psychiatry" took
place in the beis medrash of "Chanichei Hayeshivos
Hilchos Chaim" on Rechov Raavez in Bnei Brak, with the
participation of HaRav Mordechai Gross, Gavad of
Chanichei Hayeshivos, and eighty-five other rabbonim
and morei tzedek of the community.
Speakers at this gathering were the director of the
Bayis Cham organization, Rabbi Arye Munk, at the
forefront of aiding the mentally ill through
rehabilitation, treatment and prevention, who dwelled
on the importance of the sensitivity of this topic
which sometimes reaches the rabbonim of various
communities, who consult with him within the wide
spectrum of these painful issues. He noted that the
rabbis do not actively deal with them but the frequency
of the questions on emotional problems demands a closer
knowledge of the world of the psyche.
HaRav Mordechai Gross has put his full trust in Rabbi
Arye Munk on subjects related to the nefesh. The
harried lifestyle and pressures of modern life these
past years have resulted in many psychological
problems. This past meeting was organized as a
necessary introduction to a series of workshops
beginning this coming week.