The above quote was said in the name of HaRav Chaim
Kanievsky, in his presence, at a large, very impressive
gathering which took place this past motzei Shabbos in
the Wagschal Hotel in Bnei Brak, celebrating the
completion of study of Orchos Yosher and the
commencement of study of Orchos Tzaddikim.
The very inspiring occasion was opened by the moving
message of HaRav Arye Leib Shapira, Mashgiach of the
Ponovezh Yeshiva leTzeirim, who stressed the importance
of Mussar study to the younger generation of bnei Torah
and expanded upon the blessed effects that have already
been manifested since the very onset of the study
program of the Orchos Mussar booklets put out by the
Orchos Yosher organization promoting Mussar study.
At this point, the massive body of participants rose to
their feet and burst into song, to greet HaRav Aharon
Leib Shteinman, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, HaRav Gershon
Eidelstein, HaRav Dov Yaffe, who came especially to
strengthen the study of Mussar.
Following the siyum ceremony, messages of support were
delivered by HaRav Chizkiyohu Mishkovsky, Mashgiach of
Orchos HaTorah; HaRav Binyomin Finkel, and HaRav
Yechiel Tzuker.