Ma'azanim has existed and operated actively in Ramat
Beit Shemesh for the past five years. Its success in
balancing family budgets and rehabilitating families
has pushed it to open branches in Elad, Beitar and
Modi'in Illit. The organization was established by
professional economic consultants whose goal is not
only to guide families but to bring them to a state of
self-sufficiency in balancing ongoing family budgets
and standing up to special emergency situations which
cause a drain on the regular budget.
Rabbi Shmuel Zalman Eidenson, chairman of the
organization, established it after many instances of
financial collapse which he encountered as chairman of
the Ramat Beit Shemesh Kupat Ha'ir charity fund. At the
dedication of their new office, he said that what is
unique about Ma'azanim is creating the ideas and
solutions to problems from the families themselves,
through step-by-step guidance of questions.
"The combination of professional know-how in home
finance management coupled with the teaching of the
necessary practical tools, including psychological ones
in dealing with mental blocks against change, are
behind the success in balanced husbandry in dealing
with hundreds of cases that were solved over the past
five years of Ma'azanim's existence," he said.