The Central Kiryat Bnei Torah intends to submit its bid
for the tenders in the prospective housing projects of
Beit Shemesh Gimmel. It thus hopes to provide an answer
for the pressing housing shortage by creating a kirya-
complex with a special character tailored specifically
to a bnei Torah population of yeshiva alumni, in the
spirit and under the ongoing guidance of gedolei
According to an announcement issued by the Housing
Ministry, the tender will be closed on the 16th of
Shevat, after being open for bids for a relatively
short time. The details of the upcoming tender will be
publicized shortly, followed by an organized
registration which will include all relevant details of
purchase at very reduced prices, according to
prearranged priorities.
The effort will be directed by Mr. Shlomo Malik, an
attorney who has extensive experience in housing. He
said that the experience of other projects teaches that
it is too early to give a price for apartments, as many
promises were made that were later shown to be