Digital Water Meter in Jerusalem Replaced by Gichon
by Yechiel Sever
Ramat Shlomo residents in Jerusalem were shocked this past
week to discover that the water meter to their beis knesset
had been replaced by a digital Octave clock. This model is
the worst, as far halachic infractions since it operates by
sophisticated sensors that electronically register the water
flow for every 70 milliliters of water. In addition, this
device has an electronic display which registers the
movement of every few liters, constituting a Shabbos
violation according to all the major halachic
It must be noted that the Gichon Company generally supplies
water to the city's residents in compliance with the
requirements of Shabbos observers, as it promised to the
city's rabbonim as well as to MK Rabbi Uri Maklev, not to
install digital meters which constitute Shabbos violation.
It agreed to only install kosher digital clocks which are
bypassed and do not operate on Shabbos in an electrical
manner, supplied by one of the companies which has developed
a kosher Shabbos water meter. This registers water usage
mechanically during Shabbos and transfers the usage
information to the digital meters only after Shabbos. Here,
too, the Gichon company showed special sensitivity, and as
soon as it learned of the new installation, it expressed its
regret, promising to deal with this immediately so that by
the upcoming Shabbos, the problem will have been solved.
For more information regarding water meters throughout the
country, contact Mishmeret HaShabbos: 050-414-6710 or 057-