Heightened activity is apparent in the "U.S. Citizens in
Israel Gemach" sponsored by Agudath Israel of America, which
offers voting services to eligible voters in various areas
throughout Israel for the upcoming U.S. presidential
A team of workers stood ready to serve the voters and help
them fill out the necessary ballots for foreign residents
and advise them accordingly.
In addition to the elections fairs which took place in
Beitar and Ramat Beit Shemesh, the organization also held
two assemblies for yeshiva students, single and married,
studying in yeshivos throughout the country. Over 1300
filled the Zvhill auditoriums and a very positive response
was apparent as they filled out the necessary ballots and
dropped them into the ballot boxes which will be sent to the
U.S. via Agudath Israel.
A similar enthusiasm was expressed by eligible voters among
U.S. seminary students from 20 different seminaries who
arrived at a separate location to be counted in as well.