Chinuch Convention for Principals and Educators
By Y. Sheinfeld
A central conference for hundreds of cheder melamdim in Bnei
Brak was organized by the administrators of the Shaarei
Hayeshiva Organization. This major gathering took place in
the Oholei Yosef Senior Citizens beis medrash on Rechov Rav
Hirsch 10.
This was an opening meeting for workshops and other study
seminars in education under the title "Council Through
Caucus" [Teshua beRov Yoetz] as an adjunct of the
Principals' Forum for Children and Youth of talmudei Torah
[chadorim], sponsored by the Bnei Brak municipality.
Hundreds of melamdim, principals and educators attended this
conference, as well as roshei yeshiva, the heads of the
Principals' Forum and Bnei Brak mayor Rabbi Yaakov Asher.