HaRav Shach Said that if they Draft Yeshiva Students we must Leave Because it will be Dangerous to Stay
Speaking at a special Atzeres Chizuk at Kol Torah Yeshiva on Sunday night, HaRav Boruch Shmuel Deutsch said that things looked very bleak and we should not just assume that things will work out.
"We Must Hold in Contempt the Slurs Against Torah Learners Lest these Cool Off Our Esteem for Torah Study"
"We find ourselves in a trying time where many rise up against us, attempting to strike out at Torah scholars and diminish Torah in the midst of Klal Yisroel. We must remember primarily that when we hear their arguments against us, aside from affirming that they have no basis, we must also hold them in contempt," said HaRav Nissim Karelitz in a special address preceding his regular shiur delivered to a group of Torah disseminators in Bnei Brak.
If the Torah World is Attacked, There is Information We will Reveal
In response to the dark wave of incitement these days against the chareidi public, and the recurring declarations from the party heads of Habayit Hayehudi and Yesh Atid regarding their outspoken intention to strike at bnei Torah, the MKs from Degel HaTorah have taken an adamant stand not to allow any compromise or give an inch in the battle for Torah.
The Nazis Established 42,500 Installations Where Some 20 Million People were Held and Murdered
Researchers from the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. who have been working on the first map of its kind on behalf of the U.N., demarcating the incinerating installations and all detention and concentration camps set up by the Nazis, were surprised to discover 42,500 such camps where between 15 and 20 million people were tortured and killed during WWII, Jews and non-Jews alike. These include tens of thousands of places which were heretofore unknown. These harsh figures shed light on the enormous scope of the Nazi murder machine.
Lvov Municipality Removes Jewish Tombstones from Sidewalks
Immediately following the liberation of Lvov from German occupation by the Red Army in 1945, the Soviet government began restoring the buildings laid waste during WWII, using some tombstones from the ancient Jewish cemetery which was destroyed in 1940 by bombing.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
HaRav Avrohom Shag, zt"l, of Koibesdorf
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 29 Adar
His great rebbe, Maran the Chasam Sofer zy"a, once mentioned in passing concerning Reb Avrohom Shag that for a two kilometer radius around Pressburg there was none to compare to him. It is no wonder then that once at a meeting of several great rabbonim and talmidei chachomim including the Chasam Sofer himself, the latter accorded R' Avrohom great honor. When Reb Avrohom arose to leave the meeting, his rebbe got up and went to accompany Rabbeinu out, leaving the other distinguished men considerably surprised. Seeing their expressions, the Chasam Sofer answered them, "Come and let me show you his greatness in Torah."