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The Hypocrisy of the Secular Media
On Wednesday a few minutes before 1 in the afternoon, there was an urgent call to the offices of Yated Ne'eman. On the line was a senior army officer with an invitation: In less than an hour there will be a secret meeting of representatives of all the Israeli media with one of the members of the inner circle of the Israeli defense establishment. The caller stressed that it was secret and not for publication. He was only willing to hint that it was to deal with a critical matter of utmost concern with regard to the security of the State of Israel, related to the story of "Mister X" the prisoner who died over two years ago in an Israeli jail.
A Letter from Maran HaRav Shteinman Shlita
The Jewish people who left Egypt and received the Torah have, since then, become joined to it and dedicated to those who study it. Klal Yisroel shows its loyalty to Hashem by studying it. To be sure, it is not easy to begin learning at an advanced age, while one who starts young will succeed, since it is easier for him to grasp mishna, gemara and poskim. In order to achieve greatness, one must apply oneself and work hard for many years. For a young man, these years establish a foundation for the rest of his life. This is why, throughout the generations, everything was made possible to remove any impediments from advancement in Torah study so that youths could achieve a high level in bekiyus and understanding. Torah is what maintained our people throughout all the generations.
Statement of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
We are deeply dismayed by the efforts in Eretz Yisroel to draft B'nei Yeshiva and remove them from the Beis Medrash, the wellspring of Torah to which they dedicate their days and nights. The perseverance and security of Hashem's people are rooted in its dedication to Torah study, as Chazal comment on the posuk x"Our feet were standing at your gates, Yerushalayim": "What will enable our feet to stand firm in war? The gates of Yerushalayim, where [Jews] devote themselves to Torah study."
Thousands of Women from all over France Gather for a Chizuk Rally Protesting Internet Dangers
This past Sunday evening witnessed the impressive attendance of thousands of women from all over France in an arousal assembly to warn the public against the devastating influence of the Internet, which has ensnared many a victim in its clutches. The rally protested the French government's intention to forcibly install Internet in all homes so that students can do their homework through access to it. The massive gathering, which has been many weeks in the planning, took place in a huge auditorium in Paris and was broadcast live to all Jewish communities throughout France: Marseilles, Strasburg and other cities, and it could also be heard directly in Israel through Kol Halashon.
High Demand for Kosher Meat Throughout Europe
In the wake of the exposure of the meat swindle which has taken Europe by storm, there has been a huge demand for kosher meat, far beyond any such interest in the past.
As of February 14 (4 Adar) 502 millimeters of rain had fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season (August 1 to date). This represents 128% of the average rainfall for this period and 93% of the average rainfall for the entire season in the Jerusalem area which is 537 mm. There was no rain in the past week.
Sometime, in the lull between one turbulent era and the next, in the small town of Gombin, Avrohom was born to Rabbi Chaim, zt"l of Gombin and his wife. The innocence of his youth was brutally shattered by the pogroms of Charnetzcki in 5415 (1655) in the wake of Chmielnicki and his Cossack hordes who pillaged in 5408- 9 (1648-9). Avrohom's parents were among those murdered in cold blood al Kiddush Hashem.
From Our
Nobody in Eretz Yisroel must decide which is the worst crisis facing Israel, whether the economy or the Palestinian terror. Both are so pressing that they cannot be ignored, even while the looming threats associated with the American war against Iraq are drawing all the attention.
Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and