In the results of the TGI survey of chareidi print media, Yated Ne'eman was in the lead in most areas. The TGI survey is the most widely followed study of the marketing success of all mass media in Israel. The metric studied is "exposure" and not circulation since the advent of freely distributed publications has made paid circulation a marginal number. The survey studies the exposure to the entire population of the various publications under consideration. The study covers the year July 2012 through June 2013, and it rates Hebrew language publications in Israel.
In the category of daily newspapers, Yated led with an exposure of 26.8% compared with 18.6% for Hamodia. Hamevaser was the third with 12.3%.
In the category of newspapers published once a week with free distribution, the Tuesday edition of Yated led with 54.6% exposure compared to Mishpacha's Monday edition that had only 35.4% exposure.
The category of weekend editions (published on Friday) is much more competitive. In newspapers Yated led with 18.7% to Hamodia's 17.7%. Hamevaser had 7.8%. Mishpacha was also included in this category and it had 22.4%. Bakehillah had 7.3% and Yom LeYom had 6.3% exposure.
The relatively new newspaper Hapeles was not covered in this survey since it was not around for a full year. Note that the English language newspaper Yated published in Monsey, New York is not affiliated with the Yated Ne'eman discussed here.
There was an overall decline in exposure in the results this year compared with the year before. The cause of this decline is not know, but it should be noted that all over the world print media are struggling to maintain themselves. Most of the competition is from new electronic media.
The target population of the study is all chareidim 18 years and older. TGI says that this is 537,000 people, kein yirbu.