A Talmud Torah in Netanyah is Considering Joining the State Chareidi Network
Investigative work by this reporter has determined that the Talmud Torah Hadar Yisroel in Netanyah has been in touch with the Ministry of Education about joining its new Mamlachti-Chareidi School System. Although no official confirmation has been forthcoming so far, the discussions were confirmed to this reporter by Yisrael Genessia, a member of the board of the cheder.
Draconian Cuts to Government Support
Cuts in the child support of Bituach Leumi took effect this week in payments that were made on August 20. From now on, the monthly allowance for children under 10 years old is NIS 140 per month (about $40). For older children, the third child gets NIS 172 per month (about $49), the fourth child gets NIS 336 ($95) and from the fifth and onward the sum is NIS 354 ($100). A family with six children of whom half are over 10 years old will see its monthly stipend fall from NIS 1,348 to NIS 872.
What Do You Say to an Avreich Whose Food Budget is Cut?
In the days of the Ponovezher Rov we learned Torah in the yeshiva under duress (mitoch hadechak). There were times when the bread was rationed out. Packages of margarine were divided into eight portions, and each student got one. This was breakfast.
The Rebbe Yaakov Koppel Chossid zt"l, Father of the Kossov-Vishnitz Dynasty
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 15 Elul 5547
Reb Koppel never took on the mantle of admorus at all. He did not even serve as dayan or in any other Torah post, but eked out a meager living from his small wood and textiles store.